Click here for the pdf version of the 2024 – 2025 calendar-at-a glance
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General information:
- For 2024 – 2025, our class times are 8:30am – 11:30am (morning class) and 12:30pm – 3:30pm (afternoon class).
- We start school with split entry. In August you will receive an email from our teacher to schedule your home visit and advise you of your specific start date.
- Classes typically finish by the second last week of June. In June 2025 we are scheduled to finish classes on June 19th.
- All school supplies are provided by the school, including a personal set of regularly used supplies such as crayons, scissors, markers etc. for each student.
- Parents are asked to pack a labelled small snack each day for their child.
- We ask parents to provide a pair of indoor shoes that can be left at school, and that would be appropriate to wear for school activities. Each child should also have a backpack to use each day and water bottle that will go home to be washed each day.
- We spend time outside every possible day we can, so please plan to have appropriate clothes and footwear available for your child every day. (rain boots/ winter boots, snowsuits or ski pants, appropriate jackets and mittens and toques in the winter or sun hats once it gets hot again)