Registration is processed online. We begin accepting registrations on October 15th for the upcoming school year.

On (or after) the appropriate registration date, please follow the these steps:

1) Complete our online registration form.

(If you prefer, you can download a pdf copy here, or contact us and we will arrange to give you a printed copy )

2) Submit your forms. There is a submit button at the end of the online form.

The time stamp of your submitted online form determines the priority in which you will be assigned a “spot” in our program. If we have more registrations that spots available, we will maintain a sequential wait list for openings.

3) If you receive an email from us confirming that we are offering you a space, submit your registration/program fee within 24 hours to hold your spot. If you do not submit payment as requested, you may loose your space to the next person on the list.

  • Pay your $225 registration/program fee by etransfer to admin “at” dcakids “dot” com or cheque dropped off at the Dalhousie Community Centre at 5432 Dalhart Rd NW. Etransfers will be automatically deposited. We do not require a password. Cheques should be made payable to the Dalhousie Community Kindergarten.

If dropping off payment or forms at the community centre, please mark them for “kindergarten” and leave them at the front desk.

**If you would like to request alternate payment arrangements for your $225, please contact us. Financial limitations should not impact your child’s ability to attend our program.

We will make arrangements to collect copies of identification documents in person at a later date.

You can also email us using the Contact Us form