Please see these additional tabs

Click here for Information about our current registration dates

Click here for General Registration Information

How to Register: click here for directions

Registration Form:

Registration should be submitted via our online form found here

Copies of these forms can also be obtained by request from our office if you are unable to access the online form.

Click here for information about: Fees:

Out of School Care:

The Dalhousie Community Association operates an on-site Out of School Care Program for children who qualify as kindergarten aged – i.e will be 5 by December 31. Registration for this childcare program typically takes place in March or April. Their program is licensed and accredited. Parents who attend may qualify for the affordability grant and can apply for subsidy. Please contact them directly for information.

Looking for a Preschool Program?

The Dalhousie Community Preschool is located next door to our classroom and offers an amazing program, 2 or 3 half days per week for children 3 or 4 years old. Many families transition from this preschool to our kindergarten, and in a typical year, we enjoy buddy activities with their class as well as social activities like family movie night! When the time comes, families who attend this preschool program have access to advance registration with our program, and are thus guaranteed a space. (Please note – The space guarantee unfortunately can not be offered to children requiring PUF supports.)

Visit their website here: